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Books illustrated by Jenny Wood


Maggie Magee and the giant sneeze

Written and illustrated by Jenny Wood


8.5" x 8.5" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) 
Full Colour on premium White paper
30 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1493757718 
BISAC: Juvenile Fiction / Humorous Stories

Two people who live in an old farmhouse in Snozfield, Australia, are very confused. Papa Smith keeps losing things and Mama Smith can't find them either... but she does a lot of sneezing while she is looking for them. A cheeky visitor is the culprit who is discovered in the end.  
This is a funny rhyming story for pre-schoolers full of loud sneezes and captivating illustrations. 
The story is based on a true one although it is highly exaggerated.

No characters depicted in this book resemble real people... well let's hope not.


Available at Artisan's Alley 17 Main St Mornington, Vic and Dromana Indoor Market 110 Nepean Hwy Dromana, Vic and online.

$22 plus postage
Ruby Smart.png


Ruby Smart's Peculiar art
Written by Sophie Wood-Hart and illustrated and published by Jenny Wood

8.25" x 8.25" 
Hard cover

Full Colour interior on premium white paper
36 pages with activity page

ISBN-13: 9780646 894232
BISAC: Juvenile Fiction / Humorous Stories


Ruby has a problem. Using her creative and imaginative mind, she loves to make things, but her family and friends think her artwork is peculiar!


“What is that?” the teacher queried.  “A zoo! Can’t you see?” said Ruby, her blue eyes teary.


Ruby makes a life changing discovery. She realises that her imperfections are what make her unique and it doesn’t matter if other people understand.  This is the key to happiness! 


Complete with a page of interactive activities, children will love this heart-warming story of self-discovery with its delightful characters and cheeky, rhythmic narration. 


This book will be available in June 2024.


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So you think you can't draw?
fearless and joyful drawing for all

A5 size saddle stitched booklet printed in Australia
Full Color on White paper
15 pages

ISBN-13: ISBN: 978-0-646-86605-5 
BISAC: Art/Education

Get ready to find your inner awesome! Don't be afraid if you have never drawn in your life. This book is designed for all levels of skill and previous experience.   Jenny is a certified Monart® teacher who has developed alternative drawing concepts that are not traditional in Australian drawing methods. She is a qualified TAFE teacher (Cert TAA, DIP TAA, DIP VET, DIP FL MAN, DIP BUS, DIP COM SERV) applies her knowledge of how adults learn, to her passion for creativity and thinking outside the square. Jenny encourages drawing for 'process', rather than outcome. By completing the lab exercises in sequence, readers with find a new means to relax and unwind while creating beautiful artwork and building confidence.

$15 incl postage & packaging
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Music resources illustrated by Jenny Wood

Birdie birdie where is your nest?

Written by Susan Searle and illustrated, designed and produced by Jenny Wood

8.5" x 8.5" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) 

This delightful children’s folk song asks the Birdie a question: “Where is your nest?”  As we wait to find out, we see the Birdie fly over hills and towns to his home in a hollow tree.  Hiding in the pictures for children to discover are some birds flying high and low to match the melody, while the music notation is there for the singing. 
As they enjoy listening to the song, children can begin to make a connection between the sounds they hear and the symbols on the page. 

Age: 4-6


  • discover melodic contour: pattern of sounds·      

  • discover connection between sounds and visual representation·      

  • develop in tune singing voice·      

  • solo singing opportunity (game)·     

  • practise beat passing (game) 

  • practice inner hearing (follow up activity)


Available in ebook and softcover, retail, wholesale and bulk buy offers.

8.5" x 8.5" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) 

Rattling along the railway tracks, this traditional children’s song captures the feel of a rollicking train ride. We wait on the platform until we hear the whistle blow and we’re off on a wonderful ride.  Children can see the song in musical notation and the puffs of steam show the melody, too.

Children experiencing the song alongside the images can discover the connection between sounds and symbols. By seeing the music they are hearing, children can set off along the track of reading music for themselves.​​​

Age: 4-7

  • discover melodic contour: pattern of sounds·      

  • discover connection between sounds and visual representation·      

  • develop in tune singing voice·      

  • solo singing opportunity (game)·     

  • practise beat passing (game) 

  • practice inner hearing (follow up activity)

Available in ebook and softcover, retail, wholesale and bulk buy offers.

Rattle and Rumble

Written by Susan Searle and illustrated, designed and produced by Jenny Wood

The weather witch

Written by Susan Searle and illustrated by Jenny Wood

8.5" x 8.5" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) 

Three hopeful fisherman wait in their “cobble” for the wind to fill their sails and take them home. But the Weather Witch says “Nay!” and won’t let the wind blow at all.  As the sailors wait, the waves reflect the musical sounds shown in music notation on each page.

Children experiencing the song alongside the images can discover the connection between sounds and symbols.


Age: 4-6


  • discover melodic contour: pattern of sounds·      

  • discover connection between sounds and visual representation·      

  • develop in tune singing voice·      

  • solo singing opportunity (game)·     

  • practise beat passing (game) 

  • practice inner hearing (follow up activity)


Available in ebook and softcover, retail, wholesale and bulk.

8.5" x 8.5" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) 

This beautiful Russian song paints a picture of the birch forest as a girl dances a dreams of the music.  What can the branch of a tree become? A flute? A balailaika?  The wind blows the leaves into the pattern of the melody that is shown in the music notation below.

Through hearing the song and seeing it in written form, children naturally develop their own music literacy skills.


Children experiencing the song alongside the images can discover the connection between sounds and symbols.

Age: 4+

  • discover melodic contour: pattern of sounds·      

  • discover connection between sounds and visual representation·      

  • develop in tune singing voice·      

  • solo singing opportunity (game)·     

  • practise beat passing (game) 

  • practice inner hearing (follow up activity)

Available in ebook and softcover, retail, wholesale and bulk buy offers.

The little birch tree

Written by Susan Searle and illustrated by Jenny Wood

I think my Dad is a spy

Written by Sonia Vassallo and illustrated by Jenny Wood

Sophie George lives with her father in the small town of Orchard Mead and works after school at their post office. She enjoys delivering the mail around the town, mainly because she likes to draw funny pictures based on some of the weirdos that live here. But lately, it's not just the locals who have been acting strange - her Dad has been acting pretty weird too!

George went to see the Prime Minister

Authored by Rosemary Pattison Illustrated by Jenny Wood

George is addicted to consumerism through social media. One day she discovers the concept "ethical buying" and has an epiphany about global justice. She goes to see the prime minister of the world. 

This book belongs to a series called "Little Epiphanies" by Rosemary Pattison.

George and the problem of food

Authored by Rosemary Pattison Illustrated by Jenny Wood

“George and the problem of food” is Rosemary’s second children’s book in a series called the Little Epiphanies Series. In each book she attempts to alert young readers to a current issue so that they may have an epiphany about the way in which they live. As a result of their epiphany they might find an opportunity to reflect and improve the way they live on our wonderful planet. About the book: George is alerted to the fact that people all over the world have different relationships with food. Some use it to stay alive and can’t find enough. Some have too much and waste it. She calls for help from her friends using Facebook to make some changes.


Ashley's Sparrow 

By Kaylee Ison

Bridie is a fearless rider until a tragic accident on the cross-country changes everything. Bridie refuses to ever ride again. Her life intertwines with a horse called Sparrow whose trust has been abused by his past rider. Bridie wants to help Sparrow to trust again, but to do so she needs to get back in the saddle and face the cross-country once again.

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